Walking to Lose Weight!

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7 Common Health Benefits of Walking and How Much You Need to Walk

Walking is an underrated exercise.

Generally, we do it daily but how much walking should we be doing?

Does walking around our house when we vacuum count?

Or mowing the lawn?

Or does it have to be on a treadmill, or a track, in the neighborhood, or at a certain heart rate to be effective?

All these tasks are forms of exercise. The key is the moving part. The more we move, the better it is for us and our health.

The 7 Common Health Benefits of Walking

  1. Lose or maintain a healthy weight

The more calories you burn, the more weight you can lose. Walking burns calories. The more you walk and the faster you go increases the number of calories that you burn.

Each pound equals 3,500 calories so if you can walk each day and burn 500 calories, you can lose a pound each week. Of course, what you eat the rest of our day also is a part of your calorie intake so make good choices.

Want to know what your weight should be? There is a BMI chart and a calculator on this site for your specific weight. Click here.


  1. Strengthens muscles and bones

Walking works the muscles in your legs. The stronger your muscles are, the stronger you become. Your muscles also burn more calories than fat does.  You lose bone density as you age. Walking can help slow down the bone loss, which can help to avoid falls and fractures.


  1. Improves blood circulation

The more you walk and the faster you walk increases your heart rate which leads to better cardiovascular health. Our hearts are muscles that need exercise. Aim for getting your heart rate into the target range.

Want to know what your target heart rate should be? There are many charts online. For The American Heart Association’s chart, click here. 


  1. Improves cognition and memory

Walking at a brisk pace raises your heart rate and increases breathing which leads to an intake of more oxygen that reaches the brain. This can lead to improved cognition and memory.


  1. Improves mood

Walking, and exercise in general, can release endorphins in the brain which can improve your mood.


  1. May lower cholesterol

High cholesterol can lead to heart problems. Exercise is a way that may help lower your cholesterol. It may lower your triglycerides and raise the good cholesterol in your blood. Walking can lead to weight loss, which can be a factor in lowering cholesterol, as well.

Again, food choices also have a role in high cholesterol so make good choices. There are many websites with lists of foods that may lower cholesterol.


  1. Can decrease blood pressure

Walking at a moderate (3 mph) to vigorous (3.5-4.0 mph) pace increases your blood flow and strengthens your heart. A stronger heart can work more effectively, which can lead to lower blood pressure.

How long should you aim for?

Walking can improve our lives in many ways, from our physical health (weight), cardiovascular health (slow down heart disease), and mental health.

But wait there’s more. Also, it is free!

You can walk in your home, using the many videos you can find online on You Tube, for example. I use those too. You can even walk during commercial breaks on your favorite shows.

You can walk around your neighborhood, at a local park, or school that has a track, and even your local mall.

Start off slowly if you are beginning an exercise program. Even walking 5 minutes several times a day can add up. And as you continue it, you may end up doing 10 minutes at a time.

If you are walking outside, there are many free apps for your smartphone that can track your distance and calories burned. Also, a wearable device like a Fitbit or Apple Watch can monitor your heart rate and steps walked.

The Mayo Clinic website, mayoclinic.org, says that you should try to get 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both. That is easily obtained with walking 20-25 minutes every day or 30 minutes, 5 days a week.

There are many websites that contain charts of how many minutes to walk based on age and/or weight. The results are different for these categories since the more you weigh, the more calories you burn.

If you are a fan of Pinterest, you can end up going down a rabbit hole with all the information from many sources. I know I did when I first started this post. You do not have to drive yourself crazy with the plethora of information out there.  

To sum it up, just move.

Five minutes, ten minutes, an hour.

In your living room, at the gym, around the block.

None of these matter except the moving.

One step at a time…

How about you? Are you good about getting physical activity? I have to force myself some days. What are your favorite ways to exercise? Comment below and let me know. 


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Laura Lindsley-Benitez

    Susan BMI says I am 25 lbs over weight

    1. Susan

      The BMI chart can give you an idea of what to strive for. You’ve gone up and down and been all over the chart. You also eat things that aren’t the best, which you know. We really know what we need to do to get better at this but it’s a struggle. You have to figure out what you’d want to change and if you do want to change it. The walking for me has been good, although this hot, humid weather isn’t helping for a good time to walk, but I went out yesterday after missing three days in a row. We do what we can. If you decide to make changes, then you do it. You have to live your own life and you want it to be long. If you’re worried about it, work on it. You have limitations with the knees that can hinder lots of walking so do what you can.

  2. Jim

    I now feel guilty about my recent food binges and telling you all about them! I also feel guilty for the Dr. Pepper I had in your honor! (Of course I will likely continue to do those things including randomly telling you about them in great detail but I will also commit myself to walking (or running) more this summer.
    I’m not excited about it though.. my new motto is “cardio…is hardio”. 😁

    1. Susan

      No guilt needed. My walking is good for me. You do you! I will worry about some of the things you eat late at night and driving your wife crazy at times, but I am working on what makes me feel healthier. I eat snacks and probably too much sugar. I still take out like 4 oz out of my soda can and just drink 8 oz. I’m working on trying to lose weight and not give up soda or the occasional snack. That’s not natural to never have that and of course, what is the joy in that. Remember, you are younger than me and a man. Easier for you. You’ll see down the road. Ha! The walking is obviously good for our health, check out my list on the post, and hopefully will make my joints feel better along the way too. You’re not a bad influence on me. I can handle the details. I’m stronger than the peer pressure, mostly! Love the new motto though. It would look good on a t-shirt!

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