Food, Glorious Food

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Love it? Hate it? Maybe even feel indifferent about it? Food, food, food! 

It feeds us, nourishes us, and if we are not careful, can make us bigger than we should be! Now, being grown-ups, we know which food is good for us and which are bad. What we do not know, is why is the bad food so tasty and delicious? It calls to us…entices us…and at times, can destroy us. And yet, we love it anyway!

Now, being a person who is overweight, I try to watch how much of the bad food that I eat but it is a daily struggle and I am not winning it, as of right now. If I was, I guess I would not be writing this. I would be posting crazy pics showing off my gorgeous abs. Not!

But I am going to try and be better (she says crossing her fingers for luck). 

Salads, vegetables, fruit, lean proteins, and lots of water. That is what I should be eating every single day! And probably everyone, I would think. But, as most people also know, limiting yourself might work (for a while) but in the long term, will you be able to deny yourself for years? I know for a fact that I would not be able to do that. I am not even sure that I can do it for a week. 

That is where I am now. Trying to figure that part out. There are certain things that I like that are not healthy. My main vice is one can of Dr. Pepper each day. I know all about how much sugar is in one can of soda. I know the darker sodas contain chemicals that are not good for you. But midday, when I need the lift, and I hear that sound the can makes when I pop it up and hear the carbonation—oh yes, please! 

That will be the hard part, the food. My body has been regulated to a certain weight and it has not fluctuated much, even though I do not eat the way I should. So, I will have to see how it adjusts to having less food and different, healthier kinds of food. But again, I also do not think people can say goodbye totally to junk food. I just do not think it is realistic!

If you have that kind of willpower, then more power to you! You are a better person than I am, in that respect. 

I also do not see the point of denying a little bit of candy or snacks. I can eat only a few M&Ms and be fine. But if someone told me that I could never eat candy ever again, I would not be able to do that. 

And would you even want to? A life of just lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and water? 


How about you? 

Have you spent your life dieting, giving up, dieting and giving up once again until you are so frustrated, and then eventually give up totally? 

Do you have any good tips for staying on track with food? 

Feel free to comment about your successes and the things that stand in your way. 

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Laura

    Yes Susan I love Liver with onions and bacon. And Mommy did make it special I remember the time she had it in Lipton onion soup mix and chili sauce. It was great! Yum Liver! ha ha ha just messing with you. We also use to stick meat and asparagus stuff we didn’t like underneath the booth where we ate I’m surprised we didn’t get bugs when Daddy took it apart finally I found all the meat probably most of your liver haha

    1. Susan

      Yes, you would like it. Shoe leather, ugh! That and brussel sprouts. Daddy made those at Thanksgiving too, never tried them. My liver wouldn’t have been under that booth though, that was the old house, I can’t even remember it.

  2. Loud Laura of the Lake

    I love your writing I can follow what you do and reply Way Kool!!!

    1. Susan

      I’m glad you like it. I enjoy it too. Thanks for your support too.

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