Failure IS an Option

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There are so many times people will say, “Failure is not an option!” But really, unless you are disarming a bomb or something crucial like that, failure is an option.

Do we seek it as a goal?

Not usually, but we fail. All. The. Time.

It is what we do after we fail that really matters.

I have been restarting over and over again, throughout this past year.

In my weight loss goals, I have only reached the first ten pounds.

I keep starting over each day, tracking my calories and trying to make good choices. I have not reached my next goal of the ten pounds, that is just my reality.

It is very easy to give up! It is easier than pushing through, forgiving yourself for not following through, and forging on!

I have seen many Facebook groups on fitness, losing weight, etc. where people post how guilty they are for eating.

They are not eating an enormous amount either. It could be because they ate a whole bag of chips, or half a pizza, or five candy bars.

They are so hard on themselves because they know that you need a calorie deficit to lose weight. It is that simple.

Less calories and more movement equals weight loss, although it gets harder as you get older.

But we are not alone in our “failures”. They seem enormous to us, but they are blips in the road. It happens to everyone at times!


The weight loss industry is booming!

  • It is estimated that in 2019 people spent over $70 billion, yes, $70 billion on weight loss.
  • There were 239,000 bariatric surgeries in 2018.
  • Online dieting profits were $990 million with Weight Watchers (now WW) getting $349 million.


We try, Lord knows we try…and fail…and try…and fail!

If we did not this industry would not be as strong and rich as it is.

And we would all be walking around strutting our stuff in our size 6 outfits, because I know if I was a size 6, I would be! (Maybe someday?)

Here we are, with our negative thinking, calling ourselves names, because we struggle.

We lose, gain back, lose some more, gain more back. It is a cycle for a lot of us, myself included.

Statistically, we know that these numbers are not healthy for us.

Obesity leads to health problems like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

Again, not our goal but for a lot of us, it is the reality.

How do we stop the cycle?

For a lot of us it is when we realize that FAILURE IS AN OPTION.

I know for myself, I have given up on watching what I eat when I go for an amount of time not feeling successful. I figure, what is the point?

This negative thinking has helped me get to where I am and others to where they are.

We need to give ourselves a break. A big break!

We did not get into this problem overnight and we cannot get out of it overnight!

We want fast solutions, instant results but even if we chase those products that promise this, it does not last.

I guess I should not say that it does not last because I am sure there are people out there who used them and stayed that way, but I think they would be in the minority, a small percentage.

So, give yourself a break.

Not a break from being aware of how much we eat and drink and how many calories it involves.

And not a break from exercising when we know it is better for us than lying on the couch watching TV.

  1. Give yourself a break from the inner voice in your head that tells you that you will not be successful!

2. Give yourself a break when you only have time to walk once around the block or end up walking in place during the commercials.

3. Give yourself a break when you eat that piece of candy and make sure it is only one.

4. Give yourself a break when you go to a birthday party or other celebration and indulge. It does not mean you cannot restart the next day.

5. Give yourself a break when you see another who has succeeded where you have not…yet…and be happy for their success. Their success does not cancel out your chance of success.

We are human and we make mistakes.

We fail, more often than we care to admit.

Give yourself a break. Dust yourself off and restart. For that is when we see what we are truly made of inside!

And tomorrow? I will restart, tracking calories, moving more, and hopefully making better food choices.

Who knows? I am working on slow and steady wins the race.

And I am working on giving myself a break when I mess up and not give up.

How about you? Do you have a tendency to give up or restart? I am working on my restart. Look for your successes. You are so worth it! And do not forget to give yourself a break. We all need one…or two…or three…

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jennifer Roy

    Keep at it, Sue! Maybe post healthy food choices you and Dana make/eat? Mom and daughter FB/IG shots would be fun and inspirational!

    P.S. Thin doesn’t necessarily equal healthy in body (or mind) either…you can’t judge another’s appearance as success or failure.We are all WIPs! (fellow writer lingo)

    1. Susan

      I am keeping at it, don’t worry. I am working on the long game, slow and steady wins the race. My child avoids healthy food like the plague so no FB/IG shots here. Maybe a Tik Toc? That would get her attention. Ha! Well, maybe I will do a You Tube video about it. That is what I’ve been having fun with anyway. I am not aiming for thin but healthier, and maybe help the bad knees along the way. We will see!
      P.S. I did get the writer lingo. 🙂

  2. Lisa

    Very fitting that I read this in Super Bowl Sunday!! 😄 So hard to feel like you are always denying yourself. It’s good to remind ourselves that It’s ok to not count calories sometimes..just start over the next day! Thsnks, Sue!

    1. Susan

      I try not to deny all the time because it would never sustain in the long-term. I work on trying to include it in my calories. I start off good in the morning, tracking and trying not to use too many throughout the day. Evening is the worst time of the day for that. I restart, learn more also and then restart again. I need to move more but working on a hip issue and then back on the treadmill hopefully.

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