A Year in A Life

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(Top 10 Ways Being Unemployed Has Helped Me)


525,600 Minutes. How do you measure, measure a year?…

You may have heard this line before. It is a line from a song from the play and movie “Rent”. It has been wiggling its way into my brain recently.

The reason for this is because last year at this time, my career came to a crashing halt after almost 30 years in the same field.

Now, I had suspected that it was going to happen but having the idea and the reality are two separate things. And I was pissed. Still am, if I am being totally honest.

I have written about this before so I will not go into the whole thing again but I had been preparing for it mentally and financially, getting my proverbial “ducks in a row” and looking into alternative careers, which led me to blogging, actually, among other pursuits.         

Once the “yoke” was taken off my shoulders, I felt lighter. There came a freedom. My mind cleared and my creative juices started flowing again. The negative energy that I had been feeling for two years disappeared.

Whew! I had never realized how bad it was until it was gone.

But what did I do with that year? A lot and not enough! How is that for a vague answer?

Which brings me back to the 525,600 minutes.

I spent a lot of time learning new ideas and how to implement them. I read all I could on a number of subjects, beginning with how to start a blog. There are millions of sites for information.  I did not know how to start a blog, design a website, or look for freelance writing jobs. But I learned.

Luckily, everything is at our fingertips nowadays. The internet in general, you tube tutorials, google, basically anything you need to learn about is right there.

So, I read, learned, designed my website (which took me six months thanks to my technology learning curve) and launched my blog officially around February or March. It is https://www.figuringouttherest.com.

Those are some things that I accomplished in my “professional” life. I was on unemployment, conserved my resources during this time and used some of my savings as well.  

What I accomplished in my personal life was more profound for me though.

Here is my Top 10.

  1. I put my child on and off the school bus every day of the school year, sending her off with a wave as the bus rode down our block.
  2. The first day of school, I made a batch of brownies that were warm when she got off that bus.
  3. I did not have to yell and scream at her to hurry up or I am going to be in trouble for being late in the mornings.
  4. When it was a hard morning for her to get on the bus, I was able to drive her to school.
  5. I was able to see her Halloween parade and help out for her classroom party for the first time ever. Usually a friend would text me a picture of my child since I was busy with other people’s children at their Halloween parade and party.
  6. I did not have to drop off my child at the before and after school program this year, running in, rushing out, arriving a minute before they closed. This also saved me a lot of money which helped with my budgeting.
  7. When she forgot her clarinet on a band day, I was able to bring it to school for her.
  8. When she did not feel well at school, the nurse was able to call me and I was able to come get her. In the past, I tried to get her to make it through the day because it was hard to get someone to take over my class. Luckily for me, she is a generally healthy child.
  9. Throughout the year, she was able to do her homework after school instead of after dinner, trying to get it done before bedtime.
  10. And I cannot forget my dog, who was able to lay around the house during the day instead of being by himself in his crate while we were gone.

And if that was not enough to make me feel like a stay-at-home mom and (over)think about all those years I ran around from one place to the other, and feeling like I had not accomplished anything for me? That was hugely frustrating and disappointing.

And my own personal triumphs?

  • I was regularly able to wake up at 7 am in the morning as opposed to the 5:15 am alarms that haunted my past 30 years.
  • I started going to the gym three times a week to use the treadmill and other days I did yoga stretches in my living room. I started to “un-stiffen”.
  • I had the opportunity to learn about things that I WANTED to learn about.
  • I found out that there are other things in life besides teaching, even though that is what I always thought I would be.
  • I was able to organize my thoughts on what I wanted to write my posts about and follow through on writing them.
  • I was able to start a new venture with a friend to start an online store, and then to learn how to do it (still in the process on that).
  • And I started to find myself…as corny as that sounds.

I had the opportunity this year to take this break from working and see other perspectives. Not everyone has that opportunity. I understand that. I was lucky in that respect. In the past, I would not have been able to take this opportunity either.

And now that it has been a year of soul-searching, learning, growing and developing myself, I am getting a little nervous again about what is to come and making ends meet.

I hope to be able to look back and see this year as a starting point to a profitable career filled with successes. Along with that, I hope to be able to have the freedom of time to enjoy the little things, which are turning out to be much bigger!

I hope anyone reading this pursues their dreams. We all know that life is too short for regrets as we get older.

How about you? Are there goals and dreams on your bucket list? Have you thought about how to achieve them or when? Are you waiting for next month or next year? I was too. If the big dreams are too hard to accomplish at this point, find something small to start off with to find your bliss.

I hope to start writing a new children’s book, well, finish one that I started a long time ago. Here’s to hoping…

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Elizabeth

    Hard to believe a year has passed…here’s to more new adventures and opportunities! 😁

    1. Susan

      I know, right? And yes, to new adventures. I’m still working on learning so many things I did not know about with all this technology. Hoping to say next year about what a successful year I have had. Here’s hoping…thanks for the comment.

      1. Laura Lindsley-Benitez

        I like your website Susan. Very proud of you!!! You Go Girl!!!

  2. Laura Lindsley-Benitez

    I am very proud of you my Sister!!! I enjoy reading your posts. You go girl! Overcoming your obstacles and moving on with your life and you’re a great Mom love you my sister Susan

    1. Susan

      Thank you, Laura! I’m glad you enjoy it. I’m trying.

  3. Linda

    Dreams are to be lived, life is a one way ticket live it till you die. That saying has gotten me by.. your a strong woman and you will find your way ❤️

    1. Susan

      Thanks, Linda. I’m trying. It has been a different kind of year but it had its advantages. I just need to work on being able to make enough money so I can continue doing this. I don’t want to spend more years just rushing through life and not being present in it. I appreciate the comment.

  4. Main Mom

    I’ve been unemployed for eight months and have spent a lot of time focusing on the negative of it. But, your post has helped me realize that it’s actually been a great eight months! Thank you!

    1. Susan

      Great comment, thank you. I went through the angry part last summer, cursing and negative, etc, venting to everyone. I’m a teacher and when the beginning of the school year started and I didn’t have the stress of setting up a classroom and all the extra work that goes into it, I was like, huh, less stress, that’s good. The hard part has been since the unemployment ran out months ago and figuring out ways to make money. I would like to be able to stay home still and not do the crazy, hectic lifestyle so I will have to see how to do it.

  5. Kathy Walker

    I’m still working full time but have grown children but started a similar journey like you. I wanted to do something that I would enjoy. I work the 9 to 5 and really don’t enjoy it anymore after some 35 years. So I started a blog too and all the learning that goes along with it. Boy, it has been a struggle but I’m doing it with the support of my family. I don’t know where it’s going but I know, like you, I’m looking forward to seeing where it leads. Wishing you all the luck in the coming year.

    1. Susan

      Thank you for the comment. Sometimes, I think I am crazy for doing this anyway, but I like the outlet of writing. I have been running around working for basically 30 years since college, just trying to get by and it felt like, when will I feel like I am successful? There was a huge learning curve with me. It took me months and lots of googling terms, you tube videos and I still need to learn so much more. Some of the blogging groups have people who seem to have it all together so I need to learn more now that I have the basics understood. Good look to you. I’ll have to check out your blog.

  6. Nancy Whelan

    I am glad that you are seeing so many positives in having a different schedule and routine. Year two will be a focus plan on how to sustain your family financially and continue to build on your personal growth. You can and will be successful at whatever you plan to do!! Never give up on your dreams!! Here’s to a great year for both of us and hopefully many others! Keep up your great efforts. I enjoy reading about your journey and look forward to future posts. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us!

    1. Susan

      Thank you, Nancy. I’ve been working on looking for positives and sending out good kharma. Being able to do things like a stay at home was interesting since I never had that opportunity before. Hopefully, I’ll be able to sustain this and make a living. And yes, a great year for both of us.

  7. Mariam

    This was delightful to read! I love how you turned a not-so-great situation into a learning experience. Good for you!


    1. Susan

      Thank you. I was and am still bitter about the whole situation but more about how dedicated I was and how it wasn’t reciprocated. But I started thinking about putting out good energy into the universe and finding things that make me happy. The freedom is nice but now I need to figure out ways to make money so I can continue the freedom, even if only part-time. We will see what is store for me in the future.

  8. Margaret

    It’s wonderful how sometimes negative challenges can bring about such wonderful results. It looks like you had an amazing year of discovery. And and oh so special opportunity to be there for your daughter … and dog 🙂.

    1. Susan

      Thank you. I have been working on the good thoughts and positive energy to outweigh the negative that seemed overwhelming at times. But now, what does the future hold for me is the new thought process. Hopefully, more writing because it is like therapy, venting and getting thoughts on paper.

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